University of Antilles
University of La Rochele & University of Antilles
University of La Réunion
University of Antilles
Ph.D. in Physiology and Biology of Organisms, Populations and Interactions.
Master’s degree in Tropical Biodiversity and Marine Coastal Environments
Bachelor’s degree in Biology of Organisms
Two year college degree (D.E.U.G.) in Life Sciences
Research Experience
Postdoc #1 in Austria
University of Vienna
Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vienna (Austria) in Monika Bright’s Lab (Department of Limnology and Biological Oceanography). I investigated the trophic relationship between the ectosymbiont Cand. Thiobios zoothamnicoli and its ciliate host Zoothamnium niveum. I re-designed flow-through cultivation chambers and cultivated the symbiotic and aposymbiotic ciliates.
2020 to now
Scientist in California
LRC & Joint Genome Institute
Scientist at the Laboratory for Research in Complex Systems (LRC), hosted at the DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI) from the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL), California. I study large sulfur bacteria and chemosynthetic symbiosis using single-cell and meta-genomics, single-cell physiology and microscopy.
2018 - 2020
Project Scientist in California
LRC & Joint Genome Institute
Project scientist at the LRC, hosted at the DOE JGI, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, California. in Tanja Woyke’s “single-cell group”. I study large sulfur bacteria and prokaryote-prokaryote symbiosis using single-cell and meta-genomics, single-cell physiology and microscopy
Postdoc #2 in Austria
University of Vienna
Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vienna (Austria) in Silvia Bulgheresi’s Lab (department of Ecogenetics and Systems Biology, division Archaeal Biology and Ecogenomics). I investigated the host-symbiont trophic relationship in the symbiotic nematodes: Stilbonematinae.
Guest Scientist in Mexico & University of Antilles
Guest research visit at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute of Merida, Mexico (D. Aldana Aranda’s lab) / University of Antilles (O. Gros’s lab). I investigated the development and metamorphosis of the Strombus pugilis larvae of as well as the detoxification function of metal-containing granules in the digestive gland of this gastropod.
PhD Thesis in Guadeloupe​
University of Antilles
Ph.D. student at the University of Antilles (Guadeloupe, F.W.I.). I studied The Strombidae-Sporozoan marine symbiosis and functioning of the host organ: the digestive gland (Guadeloupe, F.W.I.).
Technical Background
Light microscopy (histology, transmitted light, epifluorescence, and confocal microscopy)
Electron microscopy (SEM and TEM; elemental analyses EDX, EELS, and EF-TEM)
X-ray tomography (submicron cryo-soft and hard x-ray tomography)
Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (certified operator on BD Influx cell sorter)
Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (with TEM correlation).
Tissues autoradiography (radioisotope probing)
NanoSIMS analysis (stable isotope probing and TEM correlation)
Image analysis (2D and 3D visualization and analysis using ImageJ and ORS.Dragonfly)
Next Generation Sequencing (single-cell and metagenomics)
Genome analysis using Kbase
Awards & Achievements
Invited Talks
TBD - Invited talk to the seminar on "Economic principles in cell physiology."
INRAE, France
Lake Arrowhead, CA, USA​
“Crossing bacterial boundaries. Larger and more complex than ever” to the Lake Arrowhead Microbial Genomics conference.
ClubHouse event
“Thiomargarita magnifica, the largest bacterium ever observed is a complex macroscopic single cell” hosted by the Science Society (Clubhouse event. Host: Dr. Catarina Cunha, Assistant Prof. at NYU).
SciLifeLab, Sweeden
“Seeing is believing, unraveling the discovery of a centimeter-long macro-bacteria.”Seminar series “Clinical Talk” hosted by the world-leading Swedish national center for large-scale research: SciLifeLab.
San Jose, CA, USA
“Characterization of Mutualistic Symbiosis from Marine Shallow Water Environments.” Biological Sciences Department Graduate Seminar Series in San Jose State University.
Bremen, Germany
“Trophic interactions between the giant ciliate Zoothamnium niveum and its ectosymbiotic sugar factory.” Nicole Dubilier’s group at the Max-Plank-Institute for marine microbiology, Department of Symbiosis.
Awards & Nominations
Berkeley, CA, USA
“People’s choice – Most effective Talk Awards” at the Lawrence Berkley Lab 2022 Biosciences Area Annual Meeting, Berkeley.
Berkeley, CA, USA
“Judge's choice Flash Talk Award” at the Lawrence Berkley Lab 2019 Biosciences Area Annual Meeting, Berkeley.
Lake Arrowhead, CA, USA
“Poster award” at the Lake Arrowhead Microbial Genomics conference, September 2018.
Guadeloupe, France
Nomination to the “price of excellence” of the University of Antilles, for my PhD thesis.
Guadeloupe, France
Nomination to the “price of excellence” of the University of Antilles, for my PhD thesis.
Guadeloupe, France
“Outstanding Student Award for Academic Achievement” obtained at the 61st annual conference of the Gulf Caribbean Fisheries Institute.
Guadeloupe, France
“Outgoing student grant” from the Region Guadeloupe for my third year of bachelor’s degree.